The radiators being guarded by Ray Mountain. Note the 4 rows of “sawtooths” in the middle & a few half-size pieces at the ends.
Inside of all 30 photon detectors. The shiny material is mostly CaF2. The ~8 windows on each module are clearly visible. The photographer is Sacha Kopp
The steel transfer beams used to mate the radiators and photon detectors and eventually for installation in the detector, being unloaded.
The beginning of mating radiators with photon detectors.
Almost together
Wrapped with waterproof plastic and ready for shipping. The dewer on the end supplied dry nitogren during the drive to Cornell
Forklift moving expensive & delicate RICH detector from loading dock to truck
Loading the RICH onto the truck
Installing transfer beams in CLEO Pit. Also visable is J. C. Wang working on a RICH DAQ crate
RICH being lowered next to CLEO magnet
Cabled detector in “clean room” next to CLEO Magnet