Some of the previous projects that the Syracuse group has been most recently involved in include:
- CLEO: The Syracuse group was a founding member of the CLEO experiment at the e+e- collider at Cornell’s Electron Storage Ring (CESR). The experiment performed pioneering measurements on the Upsilon resonances (beauty-antibeauty quark bound states), and performed many of the first groundbreaking measurements in decays of B mesons. For a short description of the physics of the CLEO experiment, visit this page.
- CLEO-c: After about two decades of pioneering work in beauty-quark decays, the mantle was passed to the BaBar and Belle experiments to continue this research. The CLEO collaboration formed CLEO-c, in which the beam energy was reduced to produce D and Ds meson pairs to make numerous important measurements in the decays of charm mesons. To learn more about the physics of CLEO-c, visit this page.
- BTeV: The BTeV experiment was an experiment intended to run at the Fermilab Tevatron, which had similar physics goals to LHCb. The Syracuse group played a lead role on the experiment from its inception. For a brief description of the BTeV experiment and the role of the Syracuse group, visit this page.